
Become an

Learn how to do Business God’s way

Course Starts:

11 March 2023

Last Submission Date:

15 Febraury 2023

Campus Location:

Camp Orchard Training Campus Durban
Pencil Club Training Campus Umhlanga



Apply to Enrol

You will receive an email explaining how to complete your application. Please look out for it.

Who will benefit?

The JBS Entrepreneur Course is suitable for business owners that want to learn how to do business God’s way and unlock their full potential. As well as anyone with a dream, vision or idea that they want to turn into a successful, profitable business.

What will you learn?

Business fundamentals are a vital part in any business model. At JBS we equip students with all the basic fundamentals of establishing and running a business; underpinned by the wisdom of God. On the completion of the 9-month course, students will be equipped with the necessary skills to formulate a business plan that will enable them to either launch a new business or scale up an existing business.

Why consider Joseph Business School Africa?

Course Outline

There are over 30 modules covered; and include the following core areas:
Business Opportunities
Marketing and sales
Legal framework
Information technology
Accounting and finance

Action Learning

The course design and teaching methodology is geared towards practical implementation.

A state-of-the-art innovation centre
Business field trips
Workshop days
 Practical tuition


The JBS is facilitated by a top-class faculty who are either successful entrepreneurs themselves or have extensive experience in their particular field of expertise.


Each student will receive prayer & support.
Prayer is foundational to unlocking the individual and business potential, that God has placed in each entrepreneur.


Each student will receive group and individual mentorship and will become part of an alumni network that facilitates ongoing growth and development of each student. 

Business Intervention

Students will have the opportunity of being connected to various governmental and private institutions for assistance.

Proven Success

Over 600 alumni in the US of which 71% of these alumni are in business today.
These alumni are experiencing average turnovers of between 2.5 – 4 times the industry average in the first 2 years.


The JBS is nationally accredited in the US through ACCET and is accredited in South Africa with Services Seta (Accreditation Number: 20-SSS/ACC/1223502).

About JBSA

The Joseph Business School (JBS) is a world class institution that equips entrepreneurs and individuals using practical and biblical principles to raise up companies and create wealth to transform desolate places into flourishing communities for the glory of God. 

Get in touch

Tel: 031 764 3600

Email: info@jbsa.org.za

Address: TWIMS Training Campus,

74 Everton Road, Everton,

Durban, South Africa